Publications and Preprints

If you use Public Health England infection data linked to UK Biobank by bugbank, please cite our papers:

Armstrong, J., Rudkin, J. K., Allen, N., Crook, D. W., Wilson, D. J., Wyllie, D. H. and A. M. O'Connell (2020)
Dynamic linkage of COVID-19 test results between Public Health England's Second Generation Surveillance System and UK Biobank
Microbial Genomics doi:10.1099/mgen.0.000397 (abstract preprint pdf)

Hilton, B., Wilson, D. J., O'Connell A. M., Ironmonger, D., Rudkin, J. K, Allen, N., Oliver, I. and D. Wyllie (2020)
Microbial isolation in English participants in the UK Biobank cohort: comparison with the general population
medRxiv doi:10.1101/2020.03.18.20038281 (abstract preprint)

Papers citing bugbank